
Deploy Aplikasi yang Tersedia dan Dapat Diskalakan secara Tak Terbatas dalam Hitungan Menit

Bangun aplikasi web dan cloud sesuai kebutuhan Anda dengan menggunakan banyak bahasa yang kami dukung. Simplifikasi manajemen aplikasi Anda dengan layanan cloud sambil memastikan ketersediaan tinggi. Skalakan lingkungan Anda secara otomatis berdasarkan permintaan dan kurangi biaya. Otomatisasikan pembaruan sistem operasi dan aplikasi untuk meningkatkan keamanan. Manfaatkan pemantauan kesehatan terintegrasi dan penyeimbangan beban. Fokus pada aplikasi Anda, bukan pada infrastruktur cloud yang mendasarinya.


Bagikan pembaruan secara instan dalam perangkat lunak manajemen proyek kami, dan dapatkan seluruh tim berkolaborasi.


Otomatisasi penyesuaian skala lingkungan cloud Anda untuk mengoptimalkan biaya dan meningkatkan kinerja.


Pemantauan kesehatan terintegrasi dan penyeimbangan beban dengan dasbor dan pemberitahuan real-time.


Pengalaman pengembangan yang sangat baik menggunakan Azure SDK, yang terintegrasi dengan sempurna dengan Visual Studio.

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Percepat implementasi aplikasi web dan cloud Anda

Bangun dan implementasikan aplikasi dan layanan web kuat dalam hitungan menit dengan Layanan Cloud Azure. Gunakan Layanan Cloud Azure untuk menjaga agar aplikasi Anda tersedia dan mengalihkan lalu lintas dari instansi bermasalah ke yang sehat yang berjalan lancar. Setelah aplikasi Anda diimplementasikan, Azure akan menangani sisanya—dari penyediaan hingga penyeimbangan beban. Aplikasi Anda didukung oleh perjanjian tingkat layanan (SLA) industri terkemuka sebesar 99,95 persen.

Meningkatkan ketangguhan aplikasi

Gunakan model implementasi berbasis Azure Resource Manager yang baru—disediakan oleh Layanan Cloud Azure (dukungan diperpanjang)—untuk meningkatkan ketangguhan regional. Dengan model implementasi baru ini, gunakan kemampuan seperti kontrol akses berbasis peran (RBAC), tag, kebijakan, dan dukungan untuk templat implementasi. Tetap menggunakan model implementasi Layanan Cloud Azure yang ada (klasik) untuk aplikasi berbasis Azure Service Manager Anda.


    Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

    Merasa ingin tahu? Baca beberapa pertanyaan yang sering diajukan kami atau hubungi pendukung kami untuk bantuan

    Razqa Berkah Mandiri offers dedicated technical support for Microsoft Azure services. Reach out to our support team through the designated channels, and our experts will assist you with any technical inquiries.

    We aim for a prompt response to Azure-related support inquiries, typically within 24 hours. Urgent matters are prioritized for expedited support.

    Yes, we provide a comprehensive knowledge base and FAQs to assist you in troubleshooting common issues with Microsoft Azure. Explore these resources for quick solutions, or contact our support team for personalized assistance.

    Azure services are billed based on consumption. You pay for the resources you use, and billing is typically on a monthly basis. You can view and manage your billing information through the Azure portal.

    No hidden costs. The pricing for Azure services is transparent, and you only pay for the resources you consume. Any additional features or premium services will be clearly communicated in the pricing details.

    Yes, Azure provides robust tools for cost management and budgeting. You can set spending limits, receive alerts, and optimize costs through the Azure Cost Management and Billing portal.

    Azure Cloud Services (extended support) is a new Azure Resource Manager–based deployment model for Azure Cloud Services. The Azure Service Manager–based deployment model is now named Azure Cloud Services (classic). Both deployment models are available in Azure Cloud Services.

    The primary benefit of this new deployment model is regional resiliency. Azure Cloud Services (extended support) also offers Azure Resource Manager capabilities such as RBAC, tags, policy, and support for deployment templates.

    There are many other Azure options to consider:

    • Virtual machine scale sets
    • Azure App Service
    • Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)
    • Azure Service Fabric

    These alternatives are particularly appealing if your application is continuously evolving and needs a modern feature set to cater to your changing requirements.

    We guarantee that, when you deploy two or more role instances in different update domains, at least one role instance will have role instance connectivity at least 99.95 percent of the time. For additional details, please refer to the Azure Cloud Services SLA.

    Azure Cloud Services (extended support) provides two paths to migrate from Azure Service Manager (ASM) to Azure Resource Manager (ARM).

    The first path requires a redeployment, where customers deploy cloud services directly in ARM and then delete the old cloud service in ASM after thorough validation. This migration path is already generally available. Learn more in the documentation.

    The second path is an in-place migration, which can migrate existing Azure Cloud Services (classic) to Cloud Services (extended support). In this scenario, the platform orchestrates the migration of your customer’s services from ASM to ARM and provides a no-downtime migration experience for most scenarios. This feature is now in Public Preview. Learn more in the documentation.

    To use Azure Cloud Services (extended support), please refer to the documentation.

    Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform offering a wide range of services, including computing power, storage, and networking. It benefits businesses by providing scalability, cost-efficiency, and a robust infrastructure for running applications and services.

    Getting started with Azure through Razqa Berkah Mandiri is easy. Explore our Azure services catalog, choose the services that meet your requirements, and follow the simple onboarding process. Our sales team is available to assist you if needed.

    Microsoft Azure prioritizes security. It employs robust data encryption, identity and access management, and compliance measures. Your data is protected by Azure's state-of-the-art security infrastructure.

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